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If you’re a teacher with a published book, a podcast or a new music album, the ATA Magazine wants to hear from you.
The magazine’s editorial team has spent the last several months overhauling the 100-year-old publication and has created several new sections designed to highlight the work that teachers do both within and beyond their teaching roles. “Who’s Out There?” is the working title for a new section that will provide brief listings of teacher authors, podcasters and musicians among others. “The magazine has a long history and we’re trying to ensure it has a long future by making it as engaging as possible,” said Joni Turville, who took over as the magazine’s editor-in-chief last year.
A survey of magazine readers conducted a little more than a year ago revealed a desire for more content by and about teachers, Turville said, so staff have created several new sections aimed at ramping up teacher involvement. “We want teachers to see themselves and their colleagues reflected in the magazine’s pages and feel like they are part of a community,” Turville said.
Another change that is taking place with the ATA Magazine is the reduction of the number of issues published per year — from four to three. The first issue will be published in early November. ❚
Are you out there?
Teachers wishing to make a submission for inclusion in “Who’s Out There?” can email a short summary to ATA Magazine managing editor Cory Hare: |